News Update - booking now open for our new 2023-24 programme of events
Who we are
Sheffield Civic Trust (SCT) is part of the national civic movement, a voluntary, non-political, grassroots organisation encouraging wider public awareness of Sheffield’s buildings, places and spaces; stating its views to the city’s authorities.
We look to provide a voice for the people of Sheffield, stimulating public debate about the changing face of the city by focusing on the protection and re-use of the unique heritage of Sheffield and championing the best in architecture and urban design. We aim to help shape the future of the city by encouraging wider public awareness of Sheffield’s buildings, heritage, places and spaces.
What we do
The Sheffield Design Awards, initiated and maintained by us in partnership with RIBA Yorkshire, is a biennial celebration to encourage the best in architecture, urban design and landscaping.
The Keith Hayman Awards recognise outstanding contributions to the experience of public art in Sheffield. It has become an annual event, run in partnership with the Sheffield Design Awards [SDA], with which Keith was heavily involved in its formative days.
Read about the Keith Hayman 2023 Award ceremony here
Heritage Open Days opens access to significant buildings in the city. This successful, annual event ensures that the public can see inside spaces and buildings of all kinds – private, commercial, religious, heritage, industrial – to which they would not normally have access. SCT co-ordinates Sheffield’s contribution to this important event in the calendar when we can all learn more about our built environment and appreciate some of its gems of historical and artistic merit.
Public talks and tours programme - Sheffied Civic Trust organises a varied programme of interesting talks and tours which are open to all to attend - they are free for Civic Trust members to attend and there is a small charge for non-members.
Join Us
If you're interested in Sheffield's development and would like to have your say, now is the time to get involved in and informed about your city. SCT membership provides opportunities to voice our opinions on our city. We provide members with regular e-bulletings and postings on exhibitions and consultations. Events like the Sheffield Design Awards, Keith Hayman Awards and our talks programme are free to members and your memberships will support initiatives such as Heritage Open Days and the Sheffield Design Awards.
Click below to pay via Direct Debit - subscriptions recur annually.
Corporate Supporters are very welcome, and provide foundational support to the Civic Trust’s activities. To start a conversation about your organisation supporting us, or the ways we can help with you CSR requirements, please email us.